

Product description

In our Bavettin product family you will find fat compositions based on palm oil and its fractions with different degrees of solidity. All of them have a low content of trans-fatty acids and are non-lauric. Depending on solidity and melting point the application areas are bakery production and sweet confectionary fillings.

Due to its plasticity, our Bavettin spezial is particularly suitable for light creams and fillings in bakery products and sweets. It can be aerated easily and is able to retain the air bubbles. The consistency is similar to butter. That’s why Bavettin spezial can be used in all recipes where butter fat shall be replaced by vegetable fat. Also the addition of butter flavour is possible.

In bakery production the different types of Bavettin are good low-trans alternatives for partially hydrogenated bakery shortenings. Their plasticity makes them flexible applicable in bakery industry. The softer ones are especially suitable for short pastries and cream fillings, whereas the more solid ones one can also use for other kinds of bakery products depending on dough preparation and moulding process.